
Advisory/ Consultancy

Looking to build or do extensive renovations to a property? If you need financing from a lender, they will require a valuation of the proposed development.  Before you spend money on an Architect and Quantity Surveyor have a discussion with us first to determine the value of your proposed renovation/build.

Negotiating rents with your landlord or tenant?  Have a discussion with us first, we can assist you in providing market information to help you to make informed decisions when negotiating rents or leases.


Mortgage Security Valuation/Appraisal

One of the most common reasons for valuations reports is securing a mortgage. You will need a valuation report from an approved valuer/appraiser in order to take out a mortgage against a property. When valuing a property, one has to consider the following:

  • Location
  • Comparable sales within the area
  • Condition of the property
  • Fixtures and features
  • Market Conditions
  • Zoning/Planning Restrictions


We strive to provide accurate and professional reports in a timely manner.


Family Law/Divorce Settlement

A divorce appraisal would be required to be relied upon by lawyers and also in court.


Such valuations/appraisals are purpose-specific and require a specific approach that differs from our standard property valuations as they include:

  • An accurate assessment of the property's current market value
  • In depth information on the property condition and features, including the land, building exterior and interior, and any improvements made Detailed risk analysis, including environmental factors, property and market risks
  • A breakdown of sales evidence, including recent comparable sales in the local area, and information on how the current market condition impacts value
  • A rationale of how the value has been reached, including considerations factored in and various external impacts
  • The valuer's credentials and experience which qualify them to undertake this valuation


Estate Planning

Probate Valuations/Appraisals

Probate valuations are required when the executor of the will needs to fulfil their duties, making sure the total assets are valued so they can work out the tax liabilities, many of these will need to be a retrospective property valuation


Voluntary Conveyance

Voluntary conveyance is the intentional transfer of a title to a property from one individual to another through a deed. This valuation is required for stamp duty purposes and will dictate the amount of stamp duty required to be paid on the deed of transfer.